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Braveheart - Leadership Training for Youth Workers

Training Course

21 January - 27 August 2017 | Czech Republic

Do you want to be a good leader? Do you need to strengthen your leadership skills? Are you a youth leader searching for inspiration? KICKSTART YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN 2017 AT OUR 3-PHASE TRAINING COURSE in the CZECH REPUBLIC
Braveheart is a three phase training course for youth workers. Its aim is to strengthen and advance leadership skills. The training course is based on the experiential and outdoor learning methodology that we’ve been using since 2006. We put stress on practical training with real effects rather than learning theoretical background. The ratio of practical training to theory is 80:20. We believe the most effective way of learning is by reflecting one’s personal experience. That’s why we focus on group reflections, peer-to-peer feedback and learning from mistakes and success. Project outline First phase: Find the leader inside 21 – 29 January 2017 Challenge yourself for 2 nights winter outdoor experience, get to know yourself better, and reflect on your leadership skills Interphase: Work on your leadership development goals and plan your project Second phase: Become a better leader 19 – 23 April 2017 Develop and practice your leadership skills and get inspired by others Interphase: Plan and realize your personal project Third phase: Leading the future 24 – 27 August 2017 Evaluate your project and leadership skills and plan future steps. Further information find in the infopack or on our website www.czekobanda.eu.

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



Czekobanda (Youth NGO)

Check our website: www.czekobanda.eu

Contact for questions:


E-Mail: projects@czekobanda.eu

Phone: +420 737 736 965


The training course is supported by the Erasmus+ program. Accommodation and food are fully covered. Travel expenses are covered according to the distance calculator. For more info see the infopack. Participation fee is €150. You will get €100 back if you take part in all phases of the project.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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