European Training Calendar
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25 November 2020 | Session of Online RCE Europe Conference, United Kingdom
11.45am to 1.00pm RCE Practice Share 1 - Session 2: Youth Voice and Climate Action - Margaret Fleming, Adam Cade, Debs McCahon
This session explores good practice in engaging young people in climate science and sustainable education. The session draws upon activities from several international networks: The Woodcraft Folk, the EC Salto network and the WWOOF Europe network. The session highlights what young people wish to know, how they wish to engage and lessons learnt from climate engagement activity.
2.00pm to 3.00pm: Practice Share 2 - Session 1: Schools, Youth and Global Education - Youth for Trees: Developing outdoor climate activities and action through trees and forests - Adam Cade, RCE East Midlands
Trees are a key part of the carbon cycle playing a significant role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation. But they can also be the hook to change consumer behaviour and lifestyle. This session will introduce trees and forests as a way of exploring the climate emergency using a range of outdoor activities, supported by online and video resources. These youth-led activities can lead from science and geography into campaigning and entrepreneurship through education for sustainable development. We can discuss the value of using trees and woodlands as a setting and context for learning about the climate emergency, as well as for general learning, wellbeing and health. We will consider how climate change can be learnt outdoors and personally how trees can fit with your professional practice as an element of the climate emergency.
This seminar is part of the Europe RCE Conference - Climate Emergency: Joined-up Action
Part of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership project
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This activity has already happened!
This E-learning is
for 40 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers
Working language(s):
Susted - Sustainability Education (Others)
Contact for questions:
Registration is Free and online